Digital clock. The images are generated on the fly by the script.
<?php function set_4pixel($r, $g, $b, $x, $y) { global $sx, $sy, $pixels; $ofs = 3 * ($sx * $y + $x); $pixels[$ofs] = chr($r); $pixels[$ofs + 1] = chr($g); $pixels[$ofs + 2] = chr($b); $pixels[$ofs + 3] = chr($r); $pixels[$ofs + 4] = chr($g); $pixels[$ofs + 5] = chr($b); $ofs += 3 * $sx; $pixels[$ofs] = chr($r); $pixels[$ofs + 1] = chr($g); $pixels[$ofs + 2] = chr($b); $pixels[$ofs + 3] = chr($r); $pixels[$ofs + 4] = chr($g); $pixels[$ofs + 5] = chr($b); } function draw2digits($x, $y, $number) { draw_digit($x, $y, (int) ($number / 10)); draw_digit($x + 11, $y, $number % 10); } function draw_digit($x, $y, $digit) { global $sx, $sy, $pixels, $digits, $lines; $digit = $digits[$digit]; $m = 8; for ($b = 1, $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++, $b *= 2) { if (($b & $digit) == $b) { $j = $i * 4; $x0 = $lines[$j] * $m + $x; $y0 = $lines[$j + 1] * $m + $y; $x1 = $lines[$j + 2] * $m + $x; $y1 = $lines[$j + 3] * $m + $y; if ($x0 == $x1) { $ofs = 3 * ($sx * $y0 + $x0); for ($h = $y0; $h <= $y1; $h++, $ofs += 3 * $sx) { $pixels[$ofs] = chr(0); $pixels[$ofs + 1] = chr(0); $pixels[$ofs + 2] = chr(0); } } else { $ofs = 3 * ($sx * $y0 + $x0); for ($w = $x0; $w <= $x1; $w++) { $pixels[$ofs++] = chr(0); $pixels[$ofs++] = chr(0); $pixels[$ofs++] = chr(0); } } } } } function add_chunk($type) { global $result, $data, $chunk, $crc_table; $len = strlen($data); $chunk = pack("c*", ($len >> 24) & 255, ($len >> 16) & 255, ($len >> 8) & 255, $len & 255); $chunk .= $type; $chunk .= $data; $z = 16777215; $z |= 255 << 24; $c = $z; for ($n = 4; $n < strlen($chunk); $n++) { $c8 = ($c >> 8) & 0xffffff; $c = $crc_table[($c ^ ord($chunk[$n])) & 0xff] ^ $c8; } $crc = $c ^ $z; $chunk .= chr(($crc >> 24) & 255); $chunk .= chr(($crc >> 16) & 255); $chunk .= chr(($crc >> 8) & 255); $chunk .= chr($crc & 255); $result .= $chunk; } $sx = 80; $sy = 21; $pixels = ""; for ($h = 0; $h < $sy; $h++) { for ($w = 0; $w < $sx; $w++) { $r = 100 / $sx * $w + 155; $g = 100 / $sy * $h + 155; $b = 255 - (100 / ($sx + $sy) * ($w + $h)); $pixels .= chr($r); $pixels .= chr($g); $pixels .= chr($b); } } $date = getdate(); $s = $date["seconds"]; $m = $date["minutes"]; $h = $date["hours"]; $digits = array(95, 5, 118, 117, 45, 121, 123, 69, 127, 125); $lines = array(1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0); draw2digits(4, 2, $h); draw2digits(30, 2, $m); draw2digits(56, 2, $s); set_4pixel(0, 0, 0, 26, 7); set_4pixel(0, 0, 0, 26, 13); set_4pixel(0, 0, 0, 52, 7); set_4pixel(0, 0, 0, 52, 13); $z = -306674912; // = 0xedb88320 for ($n = 0; $n < 256; $n++) { $c = $n; for ($k = 0; $k < 8; $k++) { $c2 = ($c >> 1) & 0x7fffffff; if ($c & 1) $c = $z ^ ($c2); else $c = $c2; } $crc_table[$n] = $c; } $result = pack("c*", 137,80,78,71,13,10,26,10); $data = pack("c*", ($sx >> 24) & 255, ($sx >> 16) & 255, ($sx >> 8) & 255, $sx & 255, ($sy >> 24) & 255, ($sy >> 16) & 255, ($sy >> 8) & 255, $sy & 255, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0); add_chunk("IHDR"); $len = ($sx * 3 + 1) * $sy; $data = pack("c*", 0x78, 0x01, 1, $len & 255, ($len >> 8) & 255, 255 - ($len & 255), 255 - (($len >> 8) & 255)); $start = strlen($data); $i2 = 0; for ($h = 0; $h < $sy; $h++) { $data .= chr(0); for ($w = 0; $w < $sx * 3; $w++) { $data .= $pixels[$i2++]; } } $s1 = 1; $s2 = 0; for ($n = $start; $n < strlen($data); $n++) { $s1 = ($s1 + ord($data[$n])) % 65521; $s2 = ($s2 + $s1) % 65521; } $adler = ($s2 << 16) | $s1; $data .= chr(($adler >> 24) & 255); $data .= chr(($adler >> 16) & 255); $data .= chr(($adler >> 8) & 255); $data .= chr($adler & 255); add_chunk("IDAT"); $data = ""; add_chunk("IEND"); header("Content-type: image/png"); print($result); ?>
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