To use paging for the visualization of database records.
RecordsPerPage = 5
page = Request("page")
if page="" then page=1
strSearch = Request("search")
SQL = "SELECT * FROM [myTable] WHERE [myField] LIKE '%" & strSearch & "%'"
' paging
rs.PageSize = RecordsPerPage
rs.AbsolutePage = page
If rs.Eof=True or rs.Bof=True then Response.Write "<P>No results</P>"
Else For i=1 to RecordsPerPage if Not rs.EOF then 'shows the record rs.MoveNext end if Next
End if
To add a navigation bar:
Response.Write "<P><B>Pages:</B> "
For pag=1 to rs.PageCount
Response.Write "<A href='pagina.asp?page=" & pag
Response.Write "&" & Server.UrlEncode(strSearch)
Response.write "'>"
Response.Write pag
Response.Write "</A> "
Response.Write "</P>"