Consente di inviare via mail diverse informazioni sull'utente.
<? /////////////////////////////Name Your Form $name_form = "Contact Form"; $Comp_Name = "10Tons"; $email_address = ""; $home_url = ""; $logo = "image/thanks.gif"; /////////////////Table and Font Set Up/////////// $table_width = "510"; $font_face = "Arial"; $size = "2"; ////////////////////////Input 1(yes=1, no=0) $add_input1 = "1"; $check_input1 = "1"; $input1_name = "Name"; ////////////////////////Input 2(yes=1, no=0) $add_input2 = "1"; $check_input2 = "0"; $input2_name = "Company Name"; ////////////////////////Input 3(yes=1, no=0) $add_input3 = "1"; $check_input3 = "0"; $input3_name = "Phone"; /////////////////////////Input 4(yes=1, no=0) $add_input4 = "1"; $check_input5 = "0"; $input4_name = "Fax"; /////////////////////////Input 5(yes=1, no=0) $add_input5 = "0"; $check_input5 = "0"; $input5_name = "Input5"; ////////Do you want radio Buttons(yes=1, no=0) $radio = "0"; ////////If yes Define Variables here/////////// $radio1 = "Web Site"; $radio2 = "Training"; $radio3 = "Help"; //////////////Do you want a select(yes=1, no=0) $select = "1"; ////////If yes Define Variables here/////////// $opt1 = "Design"; $opt2 = "Development"; $opt3 = "Banners"; $opt4 = "Logos"; $opt5 = "Question On Site"; $opt6 = "Help Please"; $opt7 = "Hosting"; $opt8 = "image/thanks.gif"; ///////////////////Do you want a comment box(yes=1, no=0)?/////////////////////// $comment = "1"; ///////////////////////////Tracking Number/////////////////////////// $unique = uniqid(1234567890); $id = substr("$unique", 18); ////////////////////////////////Start the Form Building//////////////////////// if ($add_input1 == "1"){ $form_input1 = " <tr> <td align=\"right\"><font face=\"$font_face\" size= \"$size\"><strong>$input1_name</strong></td> <td align=\"left\"> <input type=\"text\" size=\"35\" maxlength=\"256\" name=\"input1\"> </font></td> </tr>"; } if ($add_input2 == "1"){ $form_input2 = " <tr> <td align=\"right\"><font face=\"$font_face\" size= \"$size\"><strong>$input2_name</strong></td> <td align=\"left\"> <input type=\"text\" size=\"35\" maxlength=\"256\" name=\"input2\"> </font></td> </tr>"; } if ($add_input3 == "1"){ $form_input3 = " <tr> <td align=\"right\"><font face=\"$font_face\" size= \"$size\"><strong>$input3_name</strong></td> <td align=\"left\"> <input type=\"text\" size=\"35\" maxlength=\"256\" name=\"input3\"> </font></td> </tr>"; } if ($add_input4 == "1"){ $form_input4 = " <tr> <td align=\"right\"><font face=\"$font_face\" size= \"$size\"><strong>$input4_name</strong></td> <td align=\"left\"> <input type=\"text\" size=\"35\" maxlength=\"256\" name=\"input4\"> </font></td> </tr>"; } if ($add_input5 == "1"){ $form_input5 = " <tr> <td align=\"right\"><font face=\"$font_face\"size= \"$size\"><strong>$input5_name</strong></td> <td align=\"left\"> <input type=\"text\" size=\"35\" maxlength=\"256\" name=\"input5\"> </font></td> </tr>"; } //THis is your Radio Buttons// if ($radio == "0" && $select == "0"){ $radio_head = ""; }else{ $radio_head = " <tr> <td align=\"right\"><font face=\"$font_face\" size=\"$size\"></td> <td align=\"left\"><strong>Info requested on?</strong></font></td> </tr>"; } if ($radio == "1"){ $form_radio = "<br> <td align=\"right\"><font face=\"$font_face\" size=\"$size\"></td> <td align=\"left\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"MessageType\" value=\"$radio1\" checked> $radio1 <input type=\"radio\" name=\"MessageType\" value=\"$radio2\"> $radio2</font> <input type=\"radio\" name=\"MessageType\" value=\"$radio2\"> $radio3</font></td> </tr>"; } if ($select == "1"){ $form_select = " <td align=\"right\"><font face=\"$font_face\" size=\"$size\"></td> <td align=\"left\"> <select name=\"Subject\" size=\"1\"> <option selected value=\"General\">General</option> <option value=\"$opt1\">$opt1</option> <option value=\"$opt2\">$opt2</option> <option value=\"$opt3\">$opt3</option> <option value=\"$opt4\">$opt4</option> <option value=\"$opt5\">$opt5</option> <option value=\"$opt6\">$opt6</option> <option value=\"$opt7\">$opt7</option> <option value=\"$opt7\">$opt7</option> </select> Other: <input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"256\" name=\"SubjectOther\"></td> </tr>"; } if ($comment == "1"){ $form_comment = "<td align=\"right\"><font face=\"$font_face\" size=\"$size\"></td> <td align=\"left\"><strong>Post comments in the space provided below:</strong><br> <textarea name=\"Comments\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"35\"></textarea> </font></td> </tr>"; } ///////////////////////////Form Build///////////////////////////// $form_block = " <FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"$PHP_SELF\"> <table width=\"$table_width\"> $form_input1 <tr> <td align=\"right\"><font face=\"$font_face\" size=\"$size\"><strong>Email</strong></td> <td align=\"left\"> <input type=\"text\" size=\"35\" maxlength=\"256\" name=\"email\"> </font></td> </tr> $form_email $form_input2 $form_input3 $form_input4 $form_input5 $radio_head $form_radio $form_select $form_comment <tr> <td align=\"right\"></td><td align=\"left\"> <font face=\"$font_face\" size=\"$size\"> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"mailing_list\" value=\"YES\" checked> Yes add to mailing list.<br> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"mailing_list\" value=\"NO\"> No don't add to mailing list.<br> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ContactRequested\" value=\"ASAP\"> Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.</font> </td></tr><td align=\"right\"></td><td align=\"left\"> <font face=\"$font_face\" size=\"$size\"> <INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"ds\"> <INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"> <input type=\"reset\"> </font><center>Super Form V2.4 By <a href=\"\">10tons</a><center> </td></tr></form> </table>"; /////////////////////////////Begin Checking the form///////////////////////////// if ($op != "ds") { echo "$form_block"; } else if ($op == "ds") { $send = "yes"; if ($check_input1=="1" && $input1=="") { $input1_err = " <font color=red>$input1_name Is blank.</font><br> "; $send = "no"; } if(!ereg("^([0-9,a-z,A-Z]+)([.,_]([0-9,a-z,A-Z]+))*[@]([0-9,a-z,A-Z]+)([.,_,-]([0-9,a-z,A-Z]+))*[ .]([0-9,a-z,A-Z]){2}([0-9,a-z,A-Z])?$",$email)) { $email_err = " <font color=red>Please enter your Email Address(!</font><br> "; $send = "no"; } if ($check_input2=="1" && $input2=="") { $input2_err = " <font color=red>$input2_name Is blank.</font><br> "; $send = "no"; } if ($check_input3=="1" && $input3=="") { $input3_err = " <font color=red>$input3_name Is blank.</font><br> "; $send = "no"; } if ($check_input4=="1" && $input4=="") { $input4_err = " <font color=red>$input4_name Is blank.</font><br> "; $send = "no"; } if ($check_input5=="1" && $input5== "") { $input5_err = " <font color=red>$input5_name Is blank.</font><br> "; $send = "no"; } $mail_body = "($email)\n"; $mail_body .= "Tracking Number = $id \n"; $mail_body .= "===============Personal Info===================== \n"; $mail_body .= "$input1_name = $input1 \n"; $mail_body .= "$input2_name = $input2 \n"; $mail_body .= "$input3_name = $input3 \n"; $mail_body .= "$input4_name = $input4 \n"; $mail_body .= "$input5_name = $input5 \n"; $mail_body .= "Comments\n"; $mail_body .= "------------\n"; $mail_body .= "$Comments\n"; $mail_body .= "Mailing List = $mailing_list, Contact Me = $ContactRequested\n"; $mail_body .= "===============Personal Info===================== \n"; $mail_body .= "ip is ($REMOTE_ADDR)"; if ($send == "yes") { $headers = "From: \"$Name\" <$email>\n"; mail("$email_address", "$name_form", $mail_body, $headers); $headers = "From: \"$Comp_Name\" <$Comp_email>\n"; echo "<center><img src=\"$logo\"></center><br>"; echo "<center><font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"3\">Your Email Tracking Number is = "; echo "(<b><font size=3 color=red>$Comp_Name-$id</font></b>)"; echo "</font><br>"; echo "<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"3\">Form Sent and..."; echo "We Got It</font><br>"; echo "Again thanks. "; echo "<a href=\"$home_url\">$Comp_Name Home</a></font></center>"; } else if ($send == "no") { echo "<blockquote><blockquote>$input1_err"; echo "$email_err"; echo "$input2_err"; echo "$input3_err"; echo "$input4_err"; echo "$input5_err"; echo "Please Click <a href=\"javascript:history.back(1)\">Back</a></blockquote></blockquote>"; } } ?>
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