Per inviare posta al webmaster di un sito.
<? $atdomain = ""; // use to specify domain name, ex. NOT just $site_header = ""; // If you want to use your own site header, enter the URL to that here. $site_footer = ""; // If you want to use your own site footer, enter the URL to that here. $default_subject = "Results from Ask the Webmaster"; if(!$to) { die("No recipient was found!"); } if(!$atdomain) { $to = strtr($to,":","@"); } if(!$subject) { $subject = $default_subject; } if($name == "" || $email == "" || $message == "") { die("Form fields were left empty, please try again."); } $body = "Name: $name\n\nE-Mail: $email\n\nMessage:\n$message"; mail($to . $atdomain, $subject, $body . "\n\n\n\nPowered by Ask the Webmaster 1.0", "From: $email"); if($site_header) { include($site_header); } else { echo "<html><head><title>Ask the Webmaster</title></head><body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" text=\"#000000\">"; } print "\n<b>Mail sent.</b><br>Thanks for asking the webmaster! We'll get back to you as soon as we can.<p>\n"; print "You said:<br><pre>$body</pre><br>"; if($site_footer) { include($site_footer); } else { echo "<br><i>Ask the Webmaster</i> is ©2001 YOA/LSYF/YoAi<body></html>"; } ?>
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