Calcola la data in numeri romani.
<?php $year = "1982"; $showreal = "no"; $roman_unit[0] = ""; $roman_unit[1] = "I"; $roman_unit[2] = "II"; $roman_unit[3] = "III"; $roman_unit[4] = "IV"; $roman_unit[5] = "V"; $roman_unit[6] = "VI"; $roman_unit[7] = "VII"; $roman_unit[8] = "VIII"; $roman_unit[9] = "IX"; $roman_tens[00] = ""; $roman_tens[10] = "X"; $roman_tens[20] = "XX"; $roman_tens[30] = "XXX"; $roman_tens[40] = "XL"; $roman_tens[50] = "L"; $roman_tens[60] = "LX"; $roman_tens[70] = "LXX"; $roman_tens[80] = "LXXX"; $roman_tens[90] = "XC"; $roman_hund[000] = ""; $roman_hund[100] = "C"; $roman_hund[200] = "CC"; $roman_hund[300] = "CCC"; $roman_hund[400] = "CD"; $roman_hund[500] = "D"; $roman_hund[600] = "DC"; $roman_hund[700] = "DCC"; $roman_hund[800] = "DCCC"; $roman_hund[900] = "CM"; $roman_thou[0000] = ""; $roman_thou[1000] = "M"; $roman_thou[2000] = "MM"; $roman_thou[3000] = "MMM"; $roman_thou[4000] = "MMMM"; $roman_thou[5000] = "MMMMM"; $timestamp = time(); $timestamp = $timestamp - 25220; $date1 = date("m/d/y", $timestamp); if(strlen(year) > 4 || strlen($year) < 4) { print("Variable <b>\$year</b> must be 4 characters. Please reconfigure script\n"); } else { if ($showreal == "yes") { $real = " ($year)"; } else { $real = ""; } $thou = substr($year, -4, 1) * 1000; $hund = substr($year, -3, 1) * 100; $tens = substr($year, -2, 1) * 10; $unit = substr($year, -1, 1); echo "<!-- Generated with Andrew Heebner's Roman Numeral Generator ($date1) -->\n"; echo "<pre>© " . "$roman_thou[$thou]" . "$roman_hund[$hund]" . "$roman_tens[$tens]" . "$roman_unit[$unit]" . $real . "</pre>"; } ?>
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